th Winning Numbers

WA Fast&Luckly ONEBALL®

The cost per session is $2. In Western Australia, Fast&Luckly ONEBALL and Fast&Luckley Play ® Bundled together, the minimum purchase price for each game is $3.

Choose a number between 1 and 12

Select your number on the winning ticket, or have the lottery terminal randomly select your number.

The first prize of Fast&Luckly ONEBALL has been increasing until winning. Players win prizes by matching one of the five winning methods. Match 1 ball in the order of Fast&Luckly ONEBALL to win first prize

The first prize winner can choose to receive an annuity, which can be paid in 30 installments over a period of 29 years, or in a lump sum. Both prizes in the advertisement are provided before federal and jurisdictional taxation.